Successful grant proposals win awards because their design and logic are airtight before the writing starts. The upcoming Be CAREER Ready event, on May 4th, will give you the opportunity to have your idea strengthened prior to the final submission process. This is your chance for a 30-minute virtual peer review session with highly successful and funded researchers who will provide feedback, give advice, and help to refashion ideas to give you a competitive edge in the NSF review process.

Sign up for a CAREER Ready peer review:

  1. Talk to the program officer within your NSF directorate about your idea
  2. Write a high-level description of your idea (250 words or less)
  3. Contact your Department Research Administrator (RA) and let them know about this event on May 5th so they attend your session, once it's confirmed.
  4. Before April 17th, request a discussion time slot by clicking the Sign Up Here gold button below.

You need to come prepared to discuss your idea only, no written proposal is necessary. The discussion guidelines can be found below.

  • You are limited to a maximum of two presentation slides.
  • You should aim for about 12 minutes, or less, for presenting your ideas at a high-level, so that there is time for the panel to give you ample feedback.
  • Your Department Research Administrator (RA), or their designee, may be in attendance to take notes for you. Please provide them with the final time of your presentation, once it is known.
  • Your review session will have at least 2 review panelists with NSF award experience.
  • The session also will be recorded for you so that you can view it again, at any time.
Envelope If you have additional questions regarding the event, please contact